Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Say Thank You To Jesus Everyday

We all need to make out time from our busy schedules to say ,"Thank You to Jesus." Unfortunately because of our busy schedules, we forget to express our gratitude to the one who gave us life in the first place.

There are many reasons for this. You can your own reasons in the comments section. Sharing your reasons and how you have overcome the obstacles that tried to stop you from thanking God will help all of us.

Some of the reasons people give for not saying "Thank you to Jesus" is that they are too busy. They are busy with work, with school, with children, with friends and with their leisurely activities like football, parties and weddings. Yet we know that in the Bible after Jesus healed the lepers, it was only one out of ten of them that came back to Jesus.

According to Luke 17: 15-17 ...19 (New American Bible), "And one of them, realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying  God in a loud voice; and he fell at the feet  of Jesus and thanked him".... then he said to him, "Stand up and go: your faith has saved you."

This example from the Bible tells us that the person who went back and thanked Jesus. was not only healed or cleansed of his leprosy but was given salvation by Jesus. The other nine that did not come back to thank Jesus only got their leprosy cleansed without being told by Jesus, "Your faith has saved you"

This is one of the reasons why we have to make out time from our busy schedules to say Thank You to Jesus everyday. By doing this, Jesus will us give bless more abundantly and tell  us that "Our faith has saved  us!"

You can say thank you to Jesus everyday by saying the "THANK YOU JESUS ROSARY". The Thank You Jesus Rosary will enable to at least say thank you to Jesus 1000 times.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to rely on Jesus, the smartest,to help you.

How to rely on Jesus,the smartest,to help you.Do not let your thoughts mislead you.When those thoughts that do not glorify God come into your mind,reject them in Jesus Name.Do not play with fire.It will burn you.

You are not smarter than the devil.However,you savior Jesus Christ is the smartest person ever.All you have to do is rely on him and he will take care of the devil.You can learn to do this by going to adoration every week. This is possible even if you do not live in Enugu.

Fr Mbaka our spiritual director has always made it clear that those who continually present themselves to Jesus in the blessed sacrament shall be transformed by beholding.By reading the word of God every day,by listening to Fr.Mbaka's music regularly you will become spiritually transformed.

If you really want to say no to bad thoughts.Learn your pattern.Be honest with your self ,admit your weaknesses.Ask your guardian angel and our mother Mary to pray for you.Do not rely on yourself.

Transform your mind through the word of God.

Go to Mass daily or frequently.

Say the rosary of Thank you Jesus.

Exercise everyday.

Go to confession at least once a month.

Make donations to help others.

Forgive yourself and others.

Say the rosary frequently.

No matter what you do ,depend completely on God. You have to make sure you always on Jesus,the smartest . He can help you succeed in all your plans if you do not give up on yourself.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Miracles continue after prayers

Yes the miracles continue.I was presently surprised when someone Mr David told me that a woman whom Fr .Mbaka prayed  for during  his visit to America had delivered twins.She was so excited that she has been telling everybody that she knows to help her thank Father Mbaka.

What I like most about this story is that it truly shows that Jesus never fails.Once words are uttered in the name of God,it never really returns without fulfilling the word of god.This is something  that Father Mbaka says all the time.

We have to remember that God can always answer our prayers especially when we are fortunate to have a man of god like Father Mbaka praying for us.I just wish most of us that belong to the adoration family would find more ways to pray together and pray as a family

We can pray by going for adoration of the blessed sacrament wherever we find ourselves.Whether we are in London,Los Angeles,Lagos or Lisbon.Just continue to pray and you will be surprised that the miracles will continue to come.

We have so many options for praying including the traditional rosary,the Thank you Jesus Rosary,the Mass,Adoration,the Bible and other forms of spiritual readings.

The best way we can really pray together as adoration family  members whether at home or abroad  is  for different groups and cities  to  organize themselves and invite FR.MBAKA  over.

Think about and send in your comments.Remember that the miracles continue after prayers.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Fr.Mbaka is truly a man of prayer through whom God  has worked many miracles.      I personally spoke to a nurse whose child was born because she had kept her ectopic pregnancy thanks to Fr,Mbaka's urging to hand her situation over to the miracle working God.This nurse lives and works in Enugu,Nigeria.

Your plans will succeed

Do you remember the good old days of mass every morning with Father Mbaka?Do you miss adoration every Wednesday?I do.One way I try to catch up is to listen to Fr.Mbaka's music as often as I can.Another way is to listen to his talk and go to mass as often possible.Father Mbaka has always tried to encourage us not to give up our trust in the Lord.This is because he believes that if we stay close to the Lord  our plans will succeed.
For me the only way our plans will succeed is if we practice adoration outside adoration grounds.This  entails finding a way outside our daily routine to adore Jesus for at least 15 minutes.One of the ways we can do this is to surround ourselves with the  word  of God for every occasion and circumstance.We then find a way to remind ourselves of these words through the rosary and themes like Quote of the week.This week's quote is' "Entrust your works to the Lord,..Your Plans Will Succeed ".This will only happen if we  truly entrust our works to the Lord.This means doing the best we can and asking God to conclude what HE  started.

Doing the best we can includes planning and doing big things a little at a time.Remember how Adoration ministry started with less than 20 people today it consists of tens of thousands of people with no room to spare.First though everyday we must pray for clarity  of intentions so that the Lord can help us Focus.(i.e Follow One Course Until Successful.)

May God  continue to bless all of us.Please feel free to share your thoughts on quote of the  week and on how  to get  FR. MBAKA'S  Music and Talk. 


On Sunday March 7 2010  there was a memorial for those who were killed under mysterious circumstances many years ago in the adoration grounds in Enugu during Gov.Chimaroke's regime.During Sunday's service Father Mbaka prayed for the repose of  the souls of those who had died and for the well being of the survivors including widows and children.There was  distribution of hundreds of bags of rice to those present including the most vulnerable members of society.For those familiar with Adoration ministries Enugu,Nigeria, this kind gesture will come as no surprise as Father Mbaka always puts the needy and the poor first.May God have mercy on all of us and help us to live more prayerfully.
To God be the Glory

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Members of Adoration Ministry Worldwide Community

Adoration Ministry world wide

Are  you  as excited as I am about all those who love what the holy spirit is doing in our lives through Fr. Mbaka. Members of AMEN come from all over the world .Members from different continents identify themselves by their country of  location.Example,members from US will be, AMENUS members,those from.Europe will be AMENEUROPE and those from China ,AMENASIA and those from Nigeria will be part of AMENAFRICA.These differnt AMEN groups will  come together to form AMENWORLD. AMEN will be all the member of Fathermbaka adoration ministries world wide community.
Membership is free.In this community we share Father Mbaka's love for the word of God and the blessed sacrament.Where ever we are in the world we should all go for adoration of the blessed Sacrament at least once a week,preferably on Wednesdays.Every month we either listen to the talk by Father Mbaka from Adoration grounds Enugu or read the transcript.We read word of God or the bible regularly and share how the word of God has empowered us for the day,week or month.We share testimonies from the Adoration grounds and share testimonies among ourselves on how God has been good to us or people we know.
 Members will also be encouraged to participate in on going projects both at the Adoration grounds and Adoration ministries world community.These projects could include spiritual retreats locally for the benefit of members or making specific  donations towards  special projects like AMEN motherless babies Enugu or AMEN youth and vocation center etc.Participation can by financial donations or any other viable means,either individually or as a group.
Please as you join the world wide adoration community feel free to write in your comments .All ideas on how to make this community relevant to its members lives and others are welcome.Comments will be reviewed and posted.